Gaming Industry e1720099512792

The Bulgarian game industry - the first large-scale study presented within the framework of the SPECTRA project

On 2nd July 2024, BIC Innobridge is organizing a webinar on 'Humans at Play: Skills, Tech & Demand in the Booming Creative & Gaming Industries'. This event, part of the series of in-depth sessions on various topics in the SPECTRA project, attracted a wide range of stakeholders - investors, start-ups and professionals from the creative industries from Bulgaria, Denmark, Ireland, etc., who joined the discussions and presentations.

A highlight of the webinar was the presentation of the first wide-ranging study of the Bulgarian game industry, conducted by Interkultura Consult. This study, covering over 1,200 participants, is the first of its kind in Bulgaria and examines the ecosystem of the gaming industry from both the professionals' and consumers' side and their preferences. In addition, it also includes the perspective of creators, which contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics in the sector.

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The study of Interkultura Consult, conducted in 2023, reveals important data about the state and trends in the industry. His highlights presented during the webinar include:

  • Scope and methods of the study: Various methods of data collection and selection were presented, including surveys, interviews, and focus groups. These methods provide a sufficiently detailed picture of the current situation and the needs of the gaming industry in Bulgaria. The more than 1,200 participants included represent a wide range of professionals and users in the sector, which contributes to a reliable analysis of the main trends and challenges.
  • Game Industry - Basic Skills and Attitudes: The study identifies the key skills needed to succeed in the gaming industry, as well as the attitudes and motivations of professionals. This type of creativity requires a combination of technical and creative skills. Core competencies include programming, game design, sound design and screenwriting. The attitudes of industry professionals are oriented towards innovation and continuous development, and many of them seek to improve their qualifications through various courses and webinars. The data shows that there is a significant need for specialized training and skill development in the field of gaming. The creation and implementation of more training programs and certification to meet these needs is recommended.
  • Awareness - audience: An interesting fact presented in the research was that even with a clear interest in professional development in the video game industry, a serious problem is the lack of visibility of the presence of studios and companies in the country. Or in other words, the Bulgarian audience is not familiar with the existence of game development companies that create and develop in Bulgaria. It also appears that while they recognize the skills associated with the video game industry and are interested in working in that field, a high percentage of respondents from the general public do not practice anything that would develop their skills in any of the career fields within it. .
  • Main conclusions: Several strategic conclusions from the study were also presented, such as the need to create a gaming association in Bulgaria to support and develop the industry. In addition, emphasis is placed on the need for targeted policies to support the gaming sector as strategically important for the development of the country and strengthening our positions on the international gaming scene.

The presentation of the research was led by Dr. Petya Koleva, founder of Interkultura Consult and specialist in the field of innovation in the field of arts, culture and creative industries. Also, Milena Berbenkova, a specialist in audience analysis and development, supplemented the data with details about the motivation and demotivation of professionals in the gaming industry.

The webinar not only provided a platform for dialogue and discussion of the future of this sector in Bulgaria, but also highlighted its importance for the country's economic landscape. It is a dynamically developing industry, generating a significant contribution to GDP and creating numerous jobs. In this context, it is essential that both the state and the private sector make targeted efforts to support and stimulate it. Investments in education, infrastructure and the development of stimulating policies are key factors in realizing the full potential of the gaming industry in Bulgaria.

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SPECTRA - Stimulating Performance of Ecosystems in Creative Territories and Regional Actors

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