- Interreg VA RO-BG
CREATWIN - Improving the workforce mobility and employment in cultural and creative industries from the RO-BG cross-border area
- Creative industries and cultural heritage
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- Tourism and cross-border cooperation

ID: ROBG-187
Duration: 5 May, 2017 – 4 May, 2019
The project “Improving the workforce mobility and employment in cultural and creative industries from the RO-BG cross-border area” aims to improve some of the situations identified as problems within the programming documents for INTERREG V-A RO-BG, namely the “deficits in creative industries”, the “brain drain of young and creative talents”, the “insufficiently explored and recognized potential of creative industries for the economy and the competitiveness of the region” and the „lack of cross border mobility for goods and persons”.
This will be achieved through a series of concrete and realistic objectives:
- Improving the knowledge base on Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) as well as barriers to labor mobility in the field of CGI through 2 comprehensive studies.
- Developing the skills and knowledge of 220 people from the CBC area working in the CCIs in order to increase their chances for work mobility.
- Supporting 120 professionals from CBC area, working in CCIs, to develop their cross-border experience.
- Increase the level of awareness of 218 citizens on the employment and labor mobility opportunities in cross-border CCIs through job fairs and visits.
- Encouraging the youth employment for 200 students in CCIs from the CBC area.
- Increase the level of information of 22.000 citizens on the employment and labor mobility in cross-border CCIs through an intensive information campaign.
These objectives are going to be achieved through the following activities: elaboration of 2 studies; organizing trainings; organizing cross-border visits for exchange of experiences; organizing integrated joint cross-border job fairs; establishing 2 cross-border centers for supporting activities and employment; organizing educational caravans in universities; elaboration of audio-video promotion materials and website; information and publicity activities.
During the project implementation, 22.758 people will have access to joint employment initiatives, representing a contribution of 4,55% to the result indicator, greater than the 4,12% contribution to the financial indicator.