- Interreg VA RO-BG
CaPabiLiTy – Career Paths to Youth Labor Mobility
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
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- Tourism and cross-border cooperation

Duration: 4 May, 2017 – 3 November, 2018
The project tackles the high level of unemployment among people with higher education as a common challenge in the CBC area. Our area survey estimates that only 57% of the university graduates find jobs home but 95% of them have never searched for a job across the Danube due to barriers as: language, unawareness on employment opportunities, not labor market-oriented education. Since these are common territorial challenges, the best way to respond is to approach them on a CBC level.
Capitalizing the results of the Erasmus plus students’ exchange programs of the participating universities and the achievements of the previous project MIS ETC Code 219: Region Wide Education, the project enables the five beneficiaries from the problematic areas to tackle the issues.
In line with Europe 2020, the project enables horizontal integration and CBC cooperation b/n them and employment related institutions and lowers the identified CBC barriers via the provision of 8 employment initiatives. The latter include: mobile application ‘ Cool to be mobile’, joint labor-market oriented educational scheme, joint internet-based tools and job fairs on employment.
To impact the whole CBC region, the project invests in web-based provision of comprehensive and official information on social security, employment and tax legislation as well as virtual Entrepreneurship trainings. In this area, it capitalizes the results of MIS ETC Code 629 project INNOBRIDGE.
‘Career Paths to Youth Labor Mobility’ provides access of 5910 people to 8 joint youth employment initiatives.