- Italy
Fatti di Storie

Fatti di Storie is a non-profit cultural association established in Milan in 2016 from the idea of Paola and Luisa Pianzola, journalists with a long experience in the publishing and communication world, who decided to put their competence and narrative ability for the Italian productive world. The association has actually 20 people enrolled and a directive committee composed of 5 people. The mission of the Fatti di Storie association is to spread the culture of entrepreneurial storytelling in the Italian productive world. Corporate storytelling is an effective and suggestive communication way, capable of bringing out the quality of a product or enterprise, sharing its origin, path, and future evolution. Fatti di Storie allows Italian enterprises of various sectors to talk about them with creativity, synthesis, and attention to detail.
Fatti di Storie’s focus is related to the production of highly informative and narrative quality texts usable for paper (monography, autobiography, brochures, catalogs) and digital tools (website, newsletter, social pages).