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Webinar "Rights and Obligations of E-Traders"

27 June, 2024 | 15:00 17:00

BIC Inobridge presents information about an upcoming webinar for merchants who wish to operate online, organized by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) and the European Consumer Center (ECC). If you are planning to start an e-shop or already have experience as an online business owner, this event is perfect for you.

Main Topics

During the webinar, participants will learn important aspects of online commerce, including what is the minimum mandatory information you need to include in your site's Terms and Conditions to be in compliance with regulatory requirements. It will look at how shipping costs are allocated when the consumer returns the purchased item, and also discuss the consumer's rights to return a product and the time limits for withdrawing from the contract. An important emphasis will be placed on the pre-contractual information that must be provided to the customer prior to the order. Also, the differences between statutory and commercial warranty and how to apply them effectively will be discussed.

The webinar will also cover alternative dispute resolution procedures, explaining how conciliation boards can help when consumer disputes arise. Particular attention will be paid to the role of the EPC in resolving cross-border disputes, providing information on how the center can assist with problems with clients from other countries.

The event is an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with the current requirements and practices in the field of e-commerce. You will have the opportunity to ask your questions and get expert advice from professionals in the field.

Webinar Program

3:00 p.m. – Discovery
A representative of the BCCI

15:10 – 15:20 – The role of the EPC in resolving cross-border complaints
Sonia Spasova, EPC

15:20 – 15:50 – Requirements for pre-contractual information on the site. Right of return
Ignat Arsenov, Hristo Trendafilov, KZP

15:50 – 16:00 – Questions

16:00 - 16:30 - Legal and Commercial Warranty, Terms and Obligations
Ignat Arsenov, Hristo Trendafilov, KZP

16:30 – 17:00 – Questions

Be sure to register by June 26, 2024 to secure your spot in this helpful and informative webinar.

Free of charge

Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


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