Sprint Pitch Spectra

5 innovative companies from the creative industries took part in the first SPECTRA Sprint session

At the end of March, the first phase of the "SPECTRA Investment Sprint & Pitch" initiative took place. A total of 25 companies from the creative industries applied to participate in the sessions. The applications were evaluated by an expert group composed of SPECTRA partners, and the following 5 startups were selected to participate in the activities:

  1. SWAYDE (Bulgaria)
  2. Aria Classical (Germany)
  3. One Two All OOD (Bulgaria)
  4. Great Island Productions (Ireland)
  5. PromptPad (Ireland).

In this first phase, the companies demonstrated their presentations (pitch decks) and received practical advice and recommendations on what to improve in them, had the opportunity to ask questions and received valuable information about the investor mindset, advice on how to present proposals, what to looking for an investor, etc.

Sprint SPECTRA Screenshot

The key investment expert at the event was Thierry Baujard from Media Deals. Thierry is the co-founder of SpielFabrique and offers unique expertise in funding strategies for the creative industries. He is also a director of Media Deals, which is a pan-European investment network of private investors.

The next phase of the "SPECTRA Investment Sprint & Pitch" initiative will take place on April 23 this year and will include a pitching session of the selected companies to investors in the creative industries.

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The initiative is part of the implementation of the project "SPECTRA - Stimulating the effectiveness of regional ecosystems in the creative and creative industries", with the financial support of the Horizon Europe program.

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