Workshop on Innovation Ecosystems (1)

Successful Workshop on Innovation Ecosystems Orchestration: Key Benefits for Participants

On May 16th, BIC INNOBRIDGE and the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN) hosted the ACCELERO workshop on "Innovation Ecosystems Orchestration and Reinforcement: The Role of Business Support Organisations." Within two hours this event brought together business support organisations all over Europe to delve into effective strategies for building a dynamic innovation ecosystem. Thanks to the valuable contribution of our speakers – Laura MaragnaEurA AG; Florian Sora, EBN; Fionnuala Wall, AxisBIC; CyRIC | Cyprus Research & Innovation Center Ltd; Belén Talavera Chaves, FUNDECYT-PCTEX; Prof. Dr. Metin TanoğluTeknopark İzmir; Michał Wujewski, Poznań Science and Technology Park; Raluca Prelucă, Fonduri Structurale / Consolid8, participants received key knowledge and tools to improve their local ecosystems.

Key Benefits for Participants
The workshop provided participants with a comprehensive suite of knowledge and practical resources to drive positive changes within their ecosystems. Here are the main benefits that attendees gained from the event:

  1. Expert Insights and Resources
  • Participants received in-depth knowledge from seasoned professionals on how to effectively support and orchestrate innovation ecosystems.
  • The workshop included a presentation of the EBN Innovation Ecosystem Building Playbook, offering a structured guidelines on ecosystem development as well as comprehensive overview of EBN BIC community support framework.
  1. Proven Best Practices
  • Attendees learned about successful strategies for building and sustaining vibrant innovation ecosystems.
  • The session on best practices in ecosystem building and engagement creation provided actionable insights that participants could implement in their own regions.
  1. Enhanced Collaboration and Networking
  • The workshop facilitated peer-to-peer collaboration, allowing participants to network and share experiences with fellow BSOs.
  • This collaborative environment fostered a spirit of community and mutual learning, enabling attendees to gain new perspectives and ideas.
  1. Addressing Regional Challenges and Opportunities
  • The panel discussion focused on the specific challenges and opportunities faced by regional ecosystems.
  • Participants engaged in meaningful dialogue about transforming their local ecosystems, learning from the experiences and solutions of others.

Participant Feedback
Feedback from participants highlighted the practical value and relevance of the workshop content. Many attendees appreciated the opportunity to gain expert knowledge and connect with peers facing similar challenges. The insights shared during the event were described as highly applicable and beneficial for driving innovation and fostering collaboration within their ecosystems.

The "Innovation Ecosystems Orchestration and Reinforcement" workshop was a significant success, offering participants essential tools and strategies to enhance their innovation ecosystems. By bringing together experts and stakeholders from across Europe, the ACCELERO project continues to strengthen the pan-European community dedicated to boosting innovation and collaboration.

We encourage all participants to stay engaged with the ACCELERO project and continue leveraging the resources and networks provided. Follow us at LinkedIn and Twitter , and join the ACCELERO community on the Euroquity platformto stay updated on our latest activities and initiatives.

About the project

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ACCELERO - Accelerating Local Innovation Ecosystems in Europe

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