Accelero workshop 2 1

Innovation Across Borders – opportunities for collaboration and networking

A workshop entitled "Innovation without borders: Building stronger ecosystems through collaboration" concluded the series of workshops for the ACCELERO project - a 2-year initiative funded by the Horizon Europe program.

In its role as host, BIC Innobridge was able to bring together online representatives of business support organisations, universities, start-ups, SMEs and innovators from all over Europe to exchange good practices and effective strategies to promote cross-border cooperation in the field of innovation and business support.

A leading role in the seminar had our lecturers: Laura Maragna (EurA), Jana Drzkova (Bpifrance), Aleksandar Filiposki (YES Foundation), Rosen Dimov (Go-Up Incubator), Miroslav Macan (Entrepreneurial Center of Krapina-Zagorje County), Ainslie Peters (CREW), Helena Deane (Western Development Commission), Rubén Carrandi (EBN) and Valentin Marin (Bpifrance).

Main topics and highlights in the program:

Expert knowledge and resources:

Participants gained valuable knowledge on how to use cross-border collaboration to strengthen their innovation ecosystems. The workshop presented the activities of the ACCELERO project to support less developed innovation systems and offered practical advice on using its resources and network for growth.

Using the Euroquity platform:

A special session was dedicated to the business contact platform Euroquity, demonstrating how participants can use it to connect with start-ups, investors and innovation leaders from across Europe.

Success stories and practical tips:

A key element of the workshop was the inspiring case studies presented by business support organizations that have successfully implemented innovative services with the support of ACCELERO and our community of business experts. These real-world examples demonstrated the tangible benefits of international cooperation in innovation and entrepreneurship.  

Access to free innovation support programs:

The workshop provided information on several free programs for business innovation support, among which:

  1. The SPECTRA project – targeting start-ups in the audio-visual, music, gaming, animation, and immersive technologies and performing arts, offering training and investor networking opportunities through the SPECTRA Investment Sprint & Pitch program.
  2. EU-LAC Digital Accelerator – an initiative funded by the NDICI-Global Europe program that supports start-ups and innovative SMEs that want to expand their business internationally and create trans-continental collaborative partnerships with companies from Latin America.
  3. EIC Scaling Club – an EIC-funded community that recruits over 120 European high-tech innovative enterprises with the potential to build global businesses and solve major global challenges by connecting them with investors and corporate innovators.

The workshop that took place was a successful attempt to connect experts and stakeholders from all over Europe, through which the ACCELERO project strived to build a strong pan-European community dedicated to the advancement of innovation. We invite all business support organizations, innovative businesses, startups, entrepreneurs, innovators and other stakeholders to join ACCELERO and use the resources and networks provided.

Follow us at LinkedIn and Twitter and join our community on the Euroquity platform, where you will also find a recording of the workshop. We will be happy to cooperate and create new opportunities together.

About the project

ACCELERO Project Logo 1

ACCELERO - Accelerating Local Innovation Ecosystems in Europe

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