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Funding opportunities under the Erasmus+ program

Program Erasmus+ is one of the most successful initiatives of the European Union aimed at supporting education, training, youth and sports. Since its establishment in 1987, it has provided opportunities for millions of students, teachers and young people to study and train abroad, broadening their horizons and improving their professional skills.

Opportunities of the Erasmus+ program

For young people, Erasmus+ offers a wide range of opportunities to finance non-formal education and volunteering. The program supports youth exchanges, trainings and seminars that promote the development of social and civic skills. These activities are aimed at young people aged 13 to 30 and include the opportunity to participate in short-term and long-term projects that aim to improve their personal and professional skills. The application process for Erasmus+ funding is structured and requires careful preparation. Applicants must prepare detailed project proposals that meet the program's priorities and objectives. Projects are evaluated by expert committees at national and European level, with the best proposals receiving funding.

Main areas of financing:

  • Learning mobility: One of the most popular opportunities under the Erasmus+ program is the mobility of students and teachers. Students can receive financial support for part of their study abroad, with the program covering tuition fees, living expenses, travel and insurance. This opportunity not only supports students' academic development, but also encourages them to develop intercultural skills that are essential in a globalized world. For teachers, the program offers opportunities to exchange experience and knowledge through participation in international conferences, seminars and other academic events.
  • Strategic partnerships: Strategic partnerships and joint projects are also an important aspect of Erasmus+. Through these partnerships, institutions from different countries can work together on projects aimed at improving the quality of education and training. This includes the development of new curricula, methodologies and educational materials that can be used across Europe. Funding for these projects is provided by the European Commission and can cover costs for project management, travel, training and dissemination of results.
  • Policy innovations and reforms: Erasmus+ supports cooperation between organizations with the aim of developing innovative practices and reforming education systems. This may include projects to develop new curricula, teaching methods or educational technologies.
  • Sports: Sport is also an important element of the Erasmus+ programme. Funding in this area is aimed at promoting physical activity and the development of sports skills. The program supports the organization of sports events, seminars and trainings that aim to encourage participation in sports activities and support the development of sports culture in Europe.
  • Jean Monet: This part of the program funds academic activities, research and debates related to European integration. It is aimed at academic institutions and experts in the field of European studies.

Funding under the Erasmus+ program is multi-layered and covers a variety of activities. The main funding opportunities include educational mobility of students and teachers, strategic partnerships and joint projects, as well as activities aimed at youth and sports. Each of these categories offers different opportunities for development and financing.

The interesting thing about Erasmus+ is that the program is constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of modern society. For example, in recent years the program has included more opportunities for virtual mobility, allowing students and teachers to participate in international projects and trainings without leaving their home country. This is particularly important in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has limited opportunities for physical mobility. Virtual mobility provides access to international experience and knowledge while reducing costs and environmental footprint.

Another interesting aspect is the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship. Erasmus+ supports various initiatives that stimulate students and young people to develop their own projects and business ideas. By funding start-ups and innovative projects, the program helps young people realize their ideas and create new opportunities for employment and economic growth.

the team of BIC INNOBRIDGE actively participates in numerous initiatives under the Erasmus+ program, working with a diverse range of foreign partners. The center brings know-how from specialists in various fields, supporting start-up innovative businesses at the local, regional and national level.


The Erasmus+ program provides a wide range of funding opportunities aimed at improving education, training, youth and sport in Europe. These opportunities not only support the personal and professional development of participants, but also promote international cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and experience. The program continues to play a key role in building a more united and educated European Union by offering new and innovative ways of learning and development. If you are a student, teacher, young person or athlete, Erasmus+ can offer you many opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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